I want to know what you think about these pages

Thank you for visiting my website, and for seeking to communicate with me. When we think together, our thoughts compound, and that's a good thing!

But just a word: if you're trying to sell something, don't waste your time, or mine. Look elsewhere, as I am not interested.

On the other hand, if you have thoughts about the importance of art, its place in our world, and the chances we have, through art, to make this a better place for us all to live . . . THAT's what interests me, and I'm eager to hear from you!

Feedback is Really Important

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Caspar Institute logo updated: 18 May 2018 (m)
content copyright ©2018-2021 by Gurdon Miller
design copyright ©2018-2021 by the Caspar Institute

Let Gurdon know
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